Royal Canin - Miniature Schnauzer Breed Adult Dog Dry Food (3kg)

Royal Canin - Dry

Royal Canin - Miniature Schnauzer Breed Adult Dog Dry Food (3kg)



ROYAL CANIN® Miniature Schnauzer Adult is specially formulated with all the nutritional needs of your adult Schnauzer in mind. ROYAL CANIN® Miniature Schnauzer Adult contains an adapted formulation of nutrition that helps to maintain a healthy urinary system. This dedicated formula of nutrients also encourages your dog to drink more often – this ultimately helps to keep your Schnauzer hydrated to further support the health of its urinary tract. ROYAL CANIN® Miniature Schnauzer Adult contains optimal levels of specific amino acids which help to maintain the natural colour of your Schnauzer's coat, regardless of its colouring. What's more, ROYAL CANIN® Miniature Schnauzer Adult has a moderate fat content which – when combined with daily exercise – helps your dog to maintain its ideal weight.The kibble in ROYAL CANIN® Miniature Schnauzer Adult is tailor-made exclusively for the Miniature Schnauzer breed. Thanks to the inclusion of calcium chelators, the formulation of the kibble helps to support your dog's dental hygiene by slowing down the formation of tartar.



MINIATURE SCHNAUZER ADULT helps maintain a healthy urinary system and helps to encourage your dog to drink in order to promote urine dilution.



This formula contains optimal levels of specific amino acids to help maintain the coat’s natural colour.



This formula helps maintain the Miniature Schnauzer’s ideal weight.



This formula helps reduce tartar formation thanks to calcium chelators.



Rice, dehydrated poultry proteins, maize, wheat gluten*, maize gluten, animal fats, hydrolysed animal proteins, minerals (including pentasodium triphosphate (0.35%)), chicory pulp, vegetable fibres, fish oil, fructo-oligosaccharides, psyllium husks and seeds, soya oil, borage oil, glucosamine from fermentation, marigold meal, hydrolysed cartilage (source of chondroitin).
*L.I.P.: protein selected for its very high digestibility.

Additives (per kg)
Nutritional additives: Vitamin A: 31000 IU, Vitamin D3: 800 IU, Iron: 46 mg, Iodine: 4.6 mg, Copper: 14 mg, Manganese: 60 mg, Zinc: 144 mg, Selenium: 0.08 mg. Technological additives: Clinoptilolite of sedimentary origin: 10 g.


Royal Canin® takes pride in ensuring the scientific reliability of all product information. All information included was true and accurate at the time of publication. However, please note that from time to time, for example due to ingredient availability or a change in sourcing factory within our global factory network for the purpose of ongoing supply, it is necessary to make product changes at short notice, and there may be some delays in updating the information in our product materials.