Royal Canin - Mini Adult Digestive Care Dog Dry Food (3kg)

Royal Canin - Dry

Royal Canin - Mini Adult Digestive Care Dog Dry Food (3kg)



ROYAL CANIN - Mini Adult Digestive Care Dog Dry Food (3kg) is for adult and mature small breed dogs (from 1 to 10 kg) - Over 10 months old - Dogs prone to digestive sensitivity.


Dehydrated poultry proteins, rice, animal fats, hydrolysed animal proteins, wheat gluten*, wheat flour, wheat, barley, maize gluten, beet pulp, yeast products, fish oil, soya oil, vegetable fibres, minerals, fructo-oligosaccharides, marigold meal.
*L.I.P.: protein selected for its very high digestibility.

Royal Canin® takes pride in ensuring the scientific reliability of all product information. The information in this product listing was true and accurate at the time of publication. However, please note that from time to time, for example due to ingredient availability or a change in sourcing factory within our global factory network for the purpose of ongoing supply, it is necessary to make product changes at short notice, and there may be some delays in updating the information in our product materials.