Welcome to Pets Domain!

At Pets Domain we stock everything you need as a proud pet parent to keep your furry, feathered or scaly friends happy and healthy.

As a proud pet parent you’re likely to find the products you need in-store or online at competitive, everyday low prices!


We are dedicated to helping you be the best pet parent you can possibly be, so we offer a great +Plus Club Membership program to all our customers. You can sign up in-store or online and have access to discounts across our entire range, every day and in every store.

You’ll also be the first notified about upcoming sales, events and in-store adoption days.


We do not sell dogs or cats (just all that you need to care for them!), but believe in and support pet adoption. Adoption is a fantastic and heart-warming approach to finding your new fur (or non-fur) baby to add to your family. Some of our stores hold adoption days for you to discover your new family member.

If you want to find more information about adoption days then sign-up as a +Plus Club Member or follow us on Facebook.