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Provide the ultimate stylish touch to your aquarium with Aquamate - Natural Gravel 10kg (Dark Black). PH neutral, non-toxic, and safe to use for most breeds of fish and aquarium types.
Rinse before use with a colander or strainer. Then simply place the prepared gravel on the bottom of your aquarium two to three inches deep before filling with water. Allow for enough gravel to support any statues and plants.
Whether you are a breeder, professional, family pet owner or new pet owner, you are likely to find the products you need at competitive prices at Pets Domain. Our range of products for fish, birds, dogs, cats, reptiles, rabbits, other small animals, poultry, horses and other larger animals needs to be seen to be believed!
Come and see for yourself! Visit a Pets Domain store near you.
Prices may vary between stores.