The Big Dog BARF chicken recipe uses only the highest Australian quality, RSPCA-approved chicken meat, and bone, blended with nutritious vitamin and mineral-rich offal from Australian beef, as well aesthetically farmed Tasmanian salmon to ensure a good balance of Omega-3 essential fatty acids to your dog’s diet.
Add to this nutrient-dense seasonal fruits and vegetables, as well as Big Dog’s special ingredients, including cold-pressed ground flaxseed, whole eggs, kelp, sprouted wheat grass and your dog has everything they need in nutritional support for optimal health.
Chicken (meat, crushed bone), beef (liver, kidney, washed tripe), seasonal fruit and vegetables, including but not limited to (green bananas, carrots, green beans, celery, broccoli, zucchini, orange, apple, strawberries, blueberries), Tasmanian salmon, whole chicken egg, sprouted wheatgrass, cold pressed ground flaxseed, goats whey, psyllium, kelp, organic fulvic acid.
Storage and handling:
Keep frozen. Be sure to keep raw food portions frozen until ready for thawing.
Place required portions of frozen raw food in the fridge and allow time for defrosting. If required sooner, place in hot water to thaw but not cook.
Keep thawed patties in the fridge for no longer than 48 hours and do not cook as our recipes contain bone.
Thoroughly wash all utensils, work areas and hands with warm soapy water after contacting raw food.
Whether you are a breeder, professional, family pet owner or new pet owner, you are likely to find the products you need at competitive prices at Pets Domain. Our range of products for fish, birds, dogs, cats, reptiles, rabbits, other small animals, poultry, horses and other larger animals needs to be seen to be believed!
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