Pedigree - Real Beef Dog Dry Food (20kg)

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Pedigree - Real Beef Dog Dry Food (20kg)



PEDIGREE - Real Beef Dog Dry Food (20kg) has no artificial flavours, it is 100% complete & balanced, with quality meat protein, and is Australian made with quality ingredients.

At the PEDIGREE brand we believe that every dog deserves a loving home, and that every dog deserves leading nutrition.

From over 40 years' of developing PEDIGREE recipes, we have developed PEDIGREE VITAL PROTECTION food designed to protect your dog in four ways: to help support their natural defenses, to help maintain a healthy skin and coat, to promote good digestion and healthy teeth.

Every bag of PEDIGREE VITAL PROTECTION food is packed with the nutrition your dog needs to keep them healthy and full of vitality.



Wholegrain cereals; meat & meat by-products (poultry, beef,&/or sheep); canola meal; natural flavours (chicken); beet pulp; iodised salt; minerals; vitamins; amino acid; antioxidants; vegetable powders and colours